Invitation from Dr. Roman Schwartz, CIML President



Dr. Roman Schwartz


Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to invite you to the 56th Meeting of the International Committee of Legal Metrology (CIML) which will take place via Zoom on Monday 18, Tuesday 19 and Friday 22 October 2021 (one session per day from 10:00–13:30 UTC).

I am also pleased to invite you to the 16th International Conference on Legal Metrology which will take place via Zoom on Wednesday 20 October and Thursday 21 October (also one session per day from 10:00–13:30 UTC).

Both the Conference and the CIML Meeting will be conducted in French and in English with simultaneous interpretation.

You will be able to register your Delegation’s attendance for both meetings via this website from Monday 19 July 2021 at 10:00 UTC until Friday 1 October 2021 at 15:00 UTC.

As you know, voting will take place during the meetings, so it is essential that the Conference and Committee have sufficient voting Members for a quorum. I therefore encourage you to make every effort to participate in these meetings.

Looking forward to seeing you again at these meetings.

Yours faithfully,


Dr Roman Schwartz
CIML President

Invitation - CIML Members:


Invitation - OIML Corresponding Members: